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[10-15 20:03:42]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  简历模板   阅读:8868
概要:(2) Liaise with Hongkong Office and other sister’s companies for import progress purpose; (3) Responsible for the daily stock movement report, invoice checking, credits analyst, sales analyst, and traces the payment from the customer;(4)Assist the related department to solve the complaints from the customer, such as packaging broken, shortage, delivery delayed, etc. Maintain the good relation with the customers.1994.9--1998.9 CMEC--China National Machinery & Equipment I
(2) Liaise with Hongkong Office and other sister’s companies for import progress purpose;
(3) Responsible for the daily stock movement report, invoice checking, credits analyst, sales analyst, and traces the payment from the customer;
(4)Assist the related department to solve the complaints from the customer, such as packaging broken, shortage, delivery delayed, etc. Maintain the good relation with the customers. 1994.9--1998.9 CMEC--China National Machinery & Equipment I/E Co., Ltd. Panyu Branch Office
Position: English Secretary
1. Provide the daily administration and secretarial support to Regional Manager;
2. Office management, including: stationery purchasing and office equipment maintenance, etc.;
3. Receiving overseas visitors and take them around the factory, translate for them; participate the yearly Canton Fair;
Good at English listening, speaking, reading and writing, as well as Chinese writing, Fluency in speaking Mandarin, Cantonese and Guangdong Dialect. Training course
Senior Secretary Course--Ministry of Labor and Social Security PRC, Guangzhou Secretary Association, with Senior Secretary Certificate
Salary & Benefit System Designing and Appliance -- GZ EagleTrain Consulting Limited, Zhongshan University
ISO Internal Auditor Training -- Hongkong QualiTec Consultants Limited, with ISO Internal Auditor Certificate Education Background
1992.9--1994.7 Department of English, Guangdong Science & Technology University,
Major: Foreign Trade
1986.9--1992.7 Guangdong Shaoguan Shixing High School Character
Enthusiasm, self-motivated, able to organize, team work spirit, high liability and attribution, pleasant personality. Special Interest:
Cooking, Singing, Traveling, Reading


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