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[10-15 19:56:44]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  求职简历模板   阅读:8585
概要:· Served as central communications liaison for the Communications Department, Human Resource Department, Store Planning and Facilities Management. JOHNSON CONTROLS, Bellevue, WA 1986 – 1991 Accounts Payable ManagerPayroll Clerk· Managed payroll for 85 fulltime, part-time and 1099 contractors. · Oversaw the processing and management of all personnel documents, benefits management and saving incentive programs.· Worked closely with union Shop S
  · Served as central communications liaison for the Communications Department, Human Resource Department, Store Planning and Facilities Management.

JOHNSON CONTROLS, Bellevue, WA 1986 – 1991
Accounts Payable Manager
Payroll Clerk
  · Managed payroll for 85 fulltime, part-time and 1099 contractors.
  · Oversaw the processing and management of all personnel documents, benefits management and saving incentive programs.
  · Worked closely with union Shop Stewarts and processed union due deductions.
  · Filed highly sensitive documents on time and accurately with the courts and appropriate state, federal and private offices. .

Licensed Massage Practitioner, Ashmead College of Massage, November, 2003
Business Administration, Seattle Central Community College, 1995 – 1997
  Advanced study in MS Excel, Internet Research and Employment Law

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