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当前位置:大学生无虑网大学生专栏大学考试大学英语六级考试试题2010年6月大学英语六级考试真题及答案» 正文


[10-27 16:54:32]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  大学英语六级考试试题   阅读:80
概要: 编辑推荐:2011年6月大学英语六级网上报名入口2011年大学英语六级考试阅读理解专项训练35篇汇总英语六级考试考前备考时间分配原则介绍 www.dxs56.com Beyond race We also don't yet know how long the Obama effect—both its good side and its bad—will last.Political sentiment is notoriously changeable: What if things begin to go wrong for Obama, and his popularity slumps? And what if Americans become so familiar with having Obama as their president that they stop considering his race altoge











Beyond race
    We also don't yet know how long the Obama effect—both its good side and its bad—will last.Political sentiment is notoriously changeable: What if things begin to go wrong for Obama, and his popularity slumps?
    And what if Americans become so familiar with having Obama as their president that they stop considering his race altogether? "Over time he might become his own entity," says Plant. This might seem like the ultimate defeat for racism, but ignoring the race of certain select individuals—a phenomenon that psychologists call subtyping—also has an insidious (隐伏的) side. "We think it happens to help people preserve their beliefs, so they can still hold on to the previous stereotypes." That could turn out to be the cruellest of all the twists to the Obama effect.

1. How did Erin White feel upon seeing Barack Obama's victory in the election?
    A) Excited.    B) Victorious.    C) Anxious.    D) Relieved.
2. Before the election, Erin White has been haunted by the question of whether _____.
    A) she could obtain her MBA degree
    B) she could go as far as she wanted in life
    C) she was overshadowed by her white peers
    D) she was really an achiever as a student
3. What is the focus of Ashby Plant's study?
    A) Racist sentiments in America.
    B) The power of role models.
    C) Personality traits of successful blacks.
    D) The dual character of African Americans.
4. In their experiments, Ray Friedman and his colleagues found that ______.
    A) blacks and whites behaved differently during the election
    B) whites' attitude towards blacks has dramatically changed
    C) Obama's election has eliminated the prejudice against blacks
    D) Obama's success impacted blacks' performance in language tests
5. What do Brian Nosek's preliminary results suggest?
    A) The change in bias against blacks is slow in coming.
    B) Bias against blacks has experienced an unusual drop.
    C) Website visitor's opinions are far from being reliable.
    D) Obama's popularity may decline as time passes by.
6. A negative side of the Obama effect is that ______.
    A) more people have started to criticise President Obama's racial policies
    B) relations between whites and African Americans may become tense again
    C) people are now less ready to support policies addressing racial inequality
    D) white people are likely to become more critical of African Americans
7. Cheryl Kaiser holds that people should be constantly reminded that ______.
    A) Obama's success is sound proof of black's potential
    B) Obama is but a rare example of black's excellence
    C) racial inequality still persists in American society
    D) blacks still face obstacles in political participation
8. According to Effron, if Hillary Clinton or Sarah Palin had been elected, there would also have been a negative effect on ______.
9. It is possible that the Obama effect will be short-lived if there is a change in people's ______.
10. The worst possible aspect of the Obama effect is that people could ignore his race altogether and continue to hold on to their old racial ______.

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