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[10-15 19:04:08]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  面试技巧   阅读:8241
概要:"Tell me about yourself."“谈谈你自己吧。”This seems like such an innocuous question, but many novice job candidates have a hard time giving an answer. Even experienced interviewees can sound like canned ads for the jobs they are interviewing for. Employers ask such open-ended questions so they can see how candidates will present their skills, abilities, and ambitions.这看起来是最无害的一个问题,却让很多初入职场的人煞费苦心寻找答案。即使是经验丰富的求职者的答案也可能听起来像一个应征工作的沉闷广告。雇主们问出这样开放式的问题就是想看看求职者如何展现他们的技术、能力和野心。Four

"Tell me about yourself."


This seems like such an innocuous question, but many novice job candidates have a hard time giving an answer. Even experienced interviewees can sound like canned ads for the jobs they are interviewing for. Employers ask such open-ended questions so they can see how candidates will present their skills, abilities, and ambitions.

Four Common Errors

First, here are common pitfalls to avoid:

1. "True Confessions": Focus on positives. For example, if you're going to talk about why you are interested in this position, convey your enthusiasm for the new opportunities -- not that you are looking to get away from your current boss. Keep your interviewer's view of you in a positive light.

2. "Home and Personal Life": You are here to convey your skills as an employee. Disclosing personal information, such as how many children you have, won't get the right message across.

3. "The Commercial": Some people have read interviewing books or been trained by career counselors. They may give a 30-second commercial which shows their skills being tailored to the job needs. These often sound too canned and may be too limiting in showing the candidate's abilities.

4. "I'll Tell You Exactly What You Want to Hear": Remember that the interview process is one of finding a mutual fit. You'll avoid later problems by selling your true strengths and traits, not those you think the interviewer is looking for.

What Interviewers Want

Now that you know how not to answer the question, here is guidance on how to ace it.

The interviewer is looking to see how your skills and personality will fit into and help their organization. So a good starting place is to understand yourself and your personal strengths, and then be ready to tailor these traits as part of your answer. You can try the Keirsey Temperament Sorter (free online at www.keirsey.com) or the Myers Briggs Type Indicator to help understand your personal style.
面试官期望看到你的技术和个性能怎么适合并且帮助他们的公司。所以一个好的开始是了解你自己和你个人的力量,然后把这些转化成你答案的一部分。你可以做做Keirsey Temperament Sorter或者Myers Briggs Type Indicator小测验来了解你的性格特征。 www.dxs56.com

Review your assessment and highlight areas that demonstrate skills you enjoy using. Write down verbs that show you in action and nouns that show qualities that you exhibit. Next, write down three adjectives that describe you. Then, think of a time when you solved a problem. Employers like to hire people who show initiative. Then organize these items into a 30-second "commercial."

Four Sample Answers

Here are four examples of each of four basic personality types using this information when talking with various interviewers:

Gina, an aspiring accountant, wanted to emphasize her organizational abilities, dedication, and timeliness. She answered, "Last summer I worked as an intern for XYZ Accounting. I was known for being thorough and accurate in my work. We were in a big rush to make a deadline and I noticed that one page was missing from the master I was copying. I let my boss know. We found it, and were able to get the pages in order and the report printed in time for his meeting. I'm sure that my attention to detail and to high-quality work will be an advantage for your company."

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