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[07-21 23:59:26]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  辞职信怎么写   阅读:8170
概要:写此信的目的是提请辞职。6月16日是我上班最后一天。 3. After much deliberation*, I have decided to move out of the private sector and go back to college. "deliberation"即 careful consideration 或 a debate within oneself or by a group of people for or against a measure 例句:" The managers could not be hurried in their deliberation." 经过慎重考虑,我决定辞去私人企业的工作,回学校念书。 4. I regret having to leave a situation * where I have received so much kindness and made so many friends. "situation"
  3. After much deliberation*, I have decided to move out of the private sector and go back to college.
  "deliberation"即 careful consideration 或 a debate within oneself or by a group of people for or against a measure
  例句:" The managers could not be hurried in their deliberation."
  4. I regret having to leave a situation * where I have received so much kindness and made so many friends.
  "situation" 指的是 "place of employment"
  5. My experience at ABC Company has been both educational and rewarding*.
  "rewarding" 即satisfying
  6. However, I find it absolutely necessary to seek an appointment* which can enable me to earn a higher salary to cope with the growing high cost of living.
  "appointment" 和 "situation"一字相仿 , 代表 a place of employment 或 a job之意
  7. I take this opportunity to * thank you for the wonderful experience I had with ABC Company.
  另一表达方式: "I take this opportunity of thanking you for the wonderful experience I had with ABC Company,"
  8. I have concluded that I can no longer function * effectively when the policies followed by the headquarters * fail to provide the support I need as a regional manager.
  "function"即 operate 或 carry on one's duty; "headquarters" 总是以复数形式出现, 代表 the administrative center of an enterprise 之意
  9. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to make my departure a smooth one *.
  "one" 是代词, 指代前面的名词 " departure"; 它有时也可指代后面的名词 , 如: "The basketball players who score the most are not always the ones with the best brains."

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