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当前位置:大学生无虑网大学生专栏简历大全求职简历模板教师职业个人英文简历模板制作» 正文


[10-15 19:56:44]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  求职简历模板   阅读:8563
概要:教师职业个人英文简历模板制作☆ Personal Information Name: your name Gender: your gender Date of birth: the birth of your Height: Your height Native place: Your place of origin Place of residence: your place of residence National: Your nation Political landscape: Your political landscape Job type: the type of your job Graduate institutions: the institutions of your graduation Professional: Your professional Mobile: your mobile phone Home phone: Your home phone E_Mail: your email QQ / MSN: yo


☆ Personal Information

Name: your name
Gender: your gender
Date of birth: the birth of your
Height: Your height
Native place: Your place of origin
Place of residence: your place of residence
National: Your nation
Political landscape: Your political landscape
Job type: the type of your job
Graduate institutions: the institutions of your graduation
Professional: Your professional
Mobile: your mobile phone
Home phone: Your home phone
E_Mail: your email
QQ / MSN: your qq / msn

Educational experience ☆

(Your educational experience in the recruitment of teachers, many units of value in school performance during the period, particularly in education, psychology, as well as the foundation courses, if the outstanding achievements in university education should focus on embodied experience)

☆ in-school practice, the award-winning experience

You have the class practice (cadres, students, such as work experience, tutor experience, the experience of blood donation for public welfare activities, such as more favorable job)

Skill levels ☆

(Your skill level teachers should have the ability to fine speech, fluent communication skills, solid knowledge. )

Self-evaluation ☆
(Self-assessment of your teachers should have high moral character, learned, such as the quality of love and respect their jobs. )

☆ job intentions
Your job search intention

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