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visual communication resume

[10-15 19:56:44]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  求职简历模板   阅读:8445
概要:visual communication resumeThis is English version ResumePersonal informationChinese name: Yam ChanEducation: Associate degreeEnglish name: Minnie Major: visual communicationgender: female Department: artAge: 23 Race: hanNationality: Hong Kong, China Condition of knowledgeMajor course: graphic design, averting design, art history, photography, drawingKnowledge: choreography, playing Guzhen, singing, art appreciation, graphic design, Chinese writingExperience: taught elementar
visual communication resume,标签:求职简历模板下载,个人求职简历模板,http://www.dxs56.com

visual communication resume

This is English version Resume

Personal information

Chinese name: Yam ChanEducation: Associate degree

English name: Minnie Major: visual communication

gender: female Department: art

Age: 23 Race: han

Nationality: Hong Kong, China

Condition of knowledge

Major course: graphic design, averting design, art history, photography, drawing

Knowledge: choreography, playing Guzhen, singing, art appreciation, graphic design, Chinese writing

Experience: taught elementary school six grade; have been a tutor ballet basic, Guzhen, and Mandarin in Tsing Mui Piano Co. ; have been a dance training TA in Hong Kong Educational Teacher Training Centre.


9/1999 -7/20xx: 4 years music education major educated in Fuzhou Art children education school.

9/20xx-6/20xx: 1 year Modern dance choreography course in Beijing Dance Academy.

8/20xx-7/20xx: 1 year ESL (English as second language) class in Coquitlam College Vancouvour Canada.

8/20xx-12/20xx: half year music major and 2 years Visual Communication major education in Lubbock Christian University TX America.

English Skill

Had more than three years experience study abroad, fluent conversational English, common university student English reading level, and the ability of writing or translating common letters.

Computer Abilitees

Common skill in use of Windows Vista, Office, and Internet, also in Photoshop, flash, animate soft ware.

Mandarin Level

Awarded a certification for level 2, grade one from State Language Affairs Commission with a score of 89.98 point.

Personal credit

1999-20xx: had been a radiobroadcaster in school radio, the host and planner of performing art, planner of fashion show, school chorus conductor etc.

20xx: published novel and poetry book, “No Butterflies” which is by CFLACP.

20xx: had been the top student in conversation class Coquitlam College Vancouvour Canada.

20xx: had been a guest model in BSU fashion show, and joined the cultural day activity.


Planner, promoter or manager for performing art, company PR for foreign customers, magazine editor or writer, and graphic designer for any kind of visual art.

Personal Blog: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Welcome to visit my blog! There are some pictures I took and stuff wrote and I like.

Email: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hong Kong Cell phone: (852)6645 1261

Mainland China Cell phone: 15811221560

Minnie is looking for a job in Beijing, please help me my dear friends @_@
Minnie 在北京找工作哦,希望大家能够帮帮我,帮助一下祖国的花朵吧,(我还勉强算祖国春天的一份子吧:P)也算是为国家建设出一份力咯 XD

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