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[10-15 19:56:44]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  求职简历模板   阅读:8855
概要:优秀英文简历范例Personal Data(个人资料)Position Desired: Sales(希望职位)Sex:femaleDate of birth:Mar.1985(生日) Mobilephone:(手机) Email:(电子信箱,国外很流行用E-MAIL来联系)Homepage: (个人主页 )postcode:(邮政编码)Address: (地址)My SUMMARY(个人简介)Certificates: Certificate upon completion of course of how to be a cadre; The Bachelor’s degree of Business Administration; The Bachelor’s degree of international economy and trade.CET-6; NCRE-2.Merits: Extroversion,excellent communicating-skills; Purposeful, good endu


  Personal Data(个人资料)

  Position Desired: Sales(希望职位)


  Date of birth:Mar.1985(生日) Mobilephone:(手机) Email:(电子信箱,国外很流行用E-MAIL来联系)

  Homepage: (个人主页 )postcode:(邮政编码)

  Address: (地址)

  My SUMMARY(个人简介)

  Certificates: Certificate upon completion of course of how to be a cadre; The Bachelor’s degree of Business Administration; The Bachelor’s degree of international economy and trade.CET-6; NCRE-2.

  Merits: Extroversion,excellent communicating-skills; Purposeful, good endurance;

  Demerits: Frank, occasionally making others misunderstood.

  Hobby: Reading(information about economy and national affairs);observe(the economic phenomenon around us)

  Career goal: To be a successful sales manager.


  Finance and tax, The development of economy, The basis of law, The theory of International trade, The macro-economics, The micro-economics, The business communication, The international investment, The international marketing, The electric business, administration, Statistics,Accounting, Financial control,Control of supply chain, Management of human resources, International settlement, The operation of international trade, Making documents etc.


  Dec.20xx-Dec.20xx University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

  The Second Bachelor of Business Administration.

  Sep.20xx-Jun.20xx Southwest University of Science and Technology

  The Bachelor of International economy and trade.

  Sep.20xx-Jun.20xx Pengxi Middle School, Sichuan; Shiyan No.2 Middle School, Hubei.

  High School

  Sep.1997-Jul.20xx Changle Middle School Junior middle school


  The Shenzhen EURO Technology Co. Ltd 20xx.9-20xx.1 sales representative

  Work as a sales representative there, in charge of searching new wholesale customers for our products throughout Shenzhen. Undergoing a long process of exerting, I held a great deal of customers.

  The Changle Tea-garden 20xx.9-20xx.8 Boss

  In order to increasing my work-experience, I start a tea-garden with my friend. During the business period, studying how to controlling, learning how to arranging, as well as how to communicating. From it I get much.

  The Guangzhou Dicai Co. Ltd 20xx.9-20xx.8 Part-time sales

  For improving communicating ability,I accept a part-time job which is selling washing products at a supermarket. Thanks to my hard work and good communicating skills, I became the sales-champion finally.

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