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[10-15 19:56:44]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  求职简历模板   阅读:8699
概要:药剂师个人英语简历范例Name:xxx Sex: Female National: Han Date of birth: June 1986 Marital status: unmarried Height: 158cm Weight: 46kg Residence: Fujian Sanming Is the location: Fujian, Xiamen Graduate school: Fujian Province, Sanming City Health Shaxian secondary vocational schools Education: Vocational Professional Name: pharmacist Year of Graduation: 20xx Work experience: more than three years Phone: xxxxxxxxxxx Job intentions The nature of jobs: full-time Post Category: Hospital /


Sex: Female
National: Han
Date of birth: June 1986
Marital status: unmarried
Height: 158cm
Weight: 46kg
Residence: Fujian Sanming
Is the location: Fujian, Xiamen
Graduate school: Fujian Province, Sanming City Health Shaxian secondary vocational schools
Education: Vocational
Professional Name: pharmacist
Year of Graduation: 20xx
Work experience: more than three years
Phone: xxxxxxxxxxx

Job intentions

The nature of jobs: full-time
Post Category: Hospital / Medical / Nursing
Job Title: Biological / pharmaceutical / drugs / medical equipment, hospital / medical / nursing / pharmaceutical;
Work areas: Xiamen, Fujian;
Treatment requirements: 1000-20xx Yuan / month may be negotiable; the need to provide housing
Reported for duty time: three days

Skills expertise

Language Proficiency: Mandarin standards
Computer level: General

Education and training

Educational Background:

Time school qualifications
September 20xx - July 20xx in Sanming City, Fujian Province Health Shaxian secondary vocational secondary schools
May 20xx - December 20xx amateur specialist specialist Fujian Medical University

Training experience:

Training time for the theme of the training institutions
January 20xx - February 20xx Hibiscus Hall Jimei District, Xiamen pharmacy drugs display. Conservation prescription regulations
March 20xx - May 20xx Hibiscus Hall Jimei District, Xiamen, pharmacies purchased drugs. Acceptance. Stockpile management of
June 20xx - July 20xx Hibiscus Hall Jimei District, Xiamen, rational use of drugs pharmacies

Work experience

Company: Fuzhou Chunlai out-patient
Time frame: 20xx 8 months - in August 20xx
Company nature: Other
In their respective professions: medical, health, health services
Hold office for: Hospital / Medical / Nursing
Job description:
1, is responsible for a variety of out-patient doctor's prescription of injecting injection, trauma disposal of work, visits and the disinfection of medical equipment and other items of work;
2, do a good job in "three-three pairs of search" (search the name of paper on the needle, needle paper check, the name of the drug, colorectal patients) to minimize errors, to prevent accidents;
3, the implementation of the rules and regulations and technical practices, to prevent the occurrence of medical malpractice;
4, with the out-patient, emergency rescue work;
5, is responsible for receiving, keeping a variety of injection drugs and their goods, often injecting drug inventory for more than the drug treatment period and should be promptly dealt with;
6, found errors in the accident and injection reaction, it is necessary to report to a doctor immediately and to take effective measures to check the reasons of it, learn to prevent the accident;
7, for the interim director and other doctors of the other work tasks

Company: Lotus Jimei District, Xiamen City Hall Pharmacy
Time frame: October 20xx - October 20xx
Company nature: institutions
In their respective professions: medical, health, health services
Hold office for: Hospital / Medical / Nursing
Job description:
1, under the guidance of the pharmacist work.
2, in accordance with the division of the budget is responsible for drugs, receiving, distribution, storage, procurement, reimbursement, recovery, under the delivery, registration, statistics and prescription drugs and deployment of agents and so on.
3, active-depth section for advice, and constantly work to improve the drug supply, inspection departments of drugs use, management, research found that timely treatment, report to the superiors.
4, responsible for pharmacy staff to learn the business and technical guidance.
5, seriously implement the rules and regulations and technical rules, strict management of drugs, hemp, limited play, precious drugs, to prevent errors in the accident.
6, regular inspection and calibration scales, refrigerators, dry-heat sterilizer and filtration devices, such as injection equipment, are maintained in good order.


Actively work seriously and hard, with teamwork, hard working, have a stronger pressure to bear to complete the sales target and on time, good grasp of consumer psychology customers;. Familiar with the incompatibility of drugs, clinical diseases have multi - the incidence of commonly used drug transfer, maintenance drugs, drug price and retail price of purchase; there are a variety of health care products and OTC pharmaceutical sales experience; capable of performing general nursing work, such as intramuscular and intravenous

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