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[10-15 19:56:44]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  求职简历模板   阅读:8122
概要:行政部秘书个人英文简历范例Personal Information Name: *** Sex: Female Age: 23 years old E-mail :** Tel :*** Address: Floor ** ** ** Road Zip :** Work experience May 20xx - Beijing is now the executive Secretary of the Department of *** Duties: The executive branch to deal with the day-to-day work and services; document collection, hair; the management of data files; company rules and regulations, the drafting of the notice to assist in monitoring the implementation of the leadership; the m


Personal Information
Name: *** Sex: Female Age: 23 years old
E-mail :********** Tel :*******
Address: Floor ** ** ** Road Zip :******

Work experience
May 20xx - Beijing is now the executive Secretary of the Department of *******
The executive branch to deal with the day-to-day work and services; document collection, hair; the management of data files; company rules and regulations, the drafting of the notice to assist in monitoring the implementation of the leadership; the management of all types of office equipment and use.
July 20xx - May 20xx, general manager of the Secretary of *****
To deal with the day-to-day office work and services; the company's admission document, hair, file management, etc.; the coordination of the work of the Brothers, co-ordination between various departments of cooperation and communication; staff attendance management and file management; to assist the work of the company's completion of the recruitment and staff-the-job training during the preparatory work; responsible for day-to-day manager of the organization of meetings, and proficiency of the need to record the meeting.
Educational background
September 20xx - July 20xx ** College of Business Administration Specialist
September 20xx - July 20xx ** School Vocational School of Computer Application

Professional expertise and skills
Familiar with the office workflow, with a strong ability of independent processing services; easily with people

Communication, have a strong team spirit; proficiency in computer operation, flexibility in the use of various types of office software.

There is a strong word-processing capabilities; NCRE II, the National Shorthand Test five

Level; English proficiency, a National Certificate level 4.

Wage expectations: 2,000 yuan / month

Working hours: one month after the

Secretary of three years work experience, practical, careful; well capable of doing things.

Career goals
Unity and cooperation to find a team looking for clerical positions. I will give full play to a three-year

Work under the accumulated wealth of knowledge and skills, hard work and effort I will try to make you look.

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