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[10-15 19:56:44]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  求职简历模板   阅读:8825
概要:护理学专业-英文简历范例Name: Miss Huang Sex: Female Date of Birth: 1987-09-19 National: Han Height: 160 Weight: 50 Place of origin: Chongqing Municipality Current location: Chongqing Municipality Education: Vocational Political landscape: members Graduate institutions: nursing schools in Chongqing Graduation Time: 20xx 6 Studies by Category: Pharmaceutical Professional Name: Nursing Contact Tel: Educational background / training experience In June 20xx he graduated from high school in S


Name: Miss Huang
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 1987-09-19
National: Han
Height: 160
Weight: 50
Place of origin: Chongqing Municipality
Current location: Chongqing Municipality
Education: Vocational
Political landscape: members
Graduate institutions: nursing schools in Chongqing
Graduation Time: 20xx 6
Studies by Category: Pharmaceutical
Professional Name: Nursing
Contact Tel:

Educational background / training experience

In June 20xx he graduated from high school in September 20xx to enter nursing school in Chongqing linking the college to study Nursing.
From January 20xx to July 20xx in Chongqing Municipality in the west of the hospital internship, is now graduating from college in Reading secondary.
Attachment period, with the head nurse, under the guidance of teachers work, is mainly responsible for the basis of patient care, doctors and nurses to assist the rescue, according to doctor's orders to complete the patient's infusion, guide the patient the correct medication, mental health care and education, such as hospital care.
Since November 20xx West Hospital in Chongqing Bishan work obstetrics.

Professional and specialty:

Foreign Language: English Language: General
Computer capability: general Putonghua: Standard
Presentation and other professional expertise
I was in Chongqing graduates 08 nursing schools in the teacher's strict requirements and the efforts of individuals, after 2 years of study and professional courses and clinical practice for more than a year, has a more solid foundation of professional knowledge and clinical experience, the overall quality has greatly improved. Stringent, having peace of mind, hard working attitude, be self-reliant, self-confidence, self-esteem, self-improvement, too, intellectual, physical, the United States, the comprehensive development of workers, and consciously participate in the school or hospital organizations, in activities as a show host, and good humor , the exchange of good communication, all aspects of good performance, the ability to work more on the work of a conscientious and responsible, the cause of loving care in nursing reflect the value of your life.

Personal practice, work experience
From January 20xx to July 20xx in Chongqing Municipality in the west of the hospital during the practicum period, the integrated use of the hands of the basic theory and clinical expertise to internal and external, gynecology, pediatric care subjects patients with acute, weight, risk patients, the initial emergency treatment capacity. Strict adherence to aseptic principles, do a good job in "three-eight pairs of investigation," the work has a strong ability to work independently to meet the development needs of the overall care.

Since November 20xx West Hospital in Chongqing Bishan medical help to do obstetrics, gynecology has been the basic grasp of common prescription drugs and treatment methods (such as gynecological inflammation, etc.).

Job intentions

Job type: Full-time monthly salary requirements: Negotiable
I hope the job candidates: health care and other job candidates: health care
Hope that the Working Location: Chongqing other duty stations:


After more than a year of clinical work, so I learned a lot of knowledge, strong understanding of the love, patience and a high sense of responsibility for the care and the importance of the work! More clinical care and first aid training I will greatly improve the operation of my ability and level. This year's work of self-confidence, let me achieve a higher level leap confident to accept a full-time nurses. Work in the future I will work harder to fulfill their duties to care! So I have full confidence in the future.

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