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[10-15 19:56:44]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  求职简历模板   阅读:8100
概要:德语专业英文简历范例参考zhang fulongwdjlw@wdjlw.cnEducationxxxx.9-xxxx.7 shulan NO.15 Middelschool.xxxx.8-xxxx.7 shulan NO.1 Middelschool.20xx.9-20xx.7 Dept.of German, Yanbian University of Science and Technology.Academic Main CoursesGremanGerman Culture German Pronunciation Practice German ConversationGerman Composition( 1,2.3) English Grammar English ReadingGerman Translation German PracticeInternational TradePrinciples of Management Principles of Accounting Principles of EconomicsEcon


zhang fulong



xxxx.9-xxxx.7 shulan NO.15 Middelschool.

xxxx.8-xxxx.7 shulan NO.1 Middelschool.

20xx.9-20xx.7 Dept.of German, Yanbian University of Science and Technology.

Academic Main Courses


German Culture German Pronunciation Practice German Conversation

German Composition( 1,2.3) English Grammar English Reading

German Translation German Practice

International Trade

Principles of Management Principles of Accounting Principles of Economics

Economy Writing Human Resource Management Chinese Economic Law

Introduction to Statistics


Korea Conversation Korea writing Korea Reading

Computer Abilities

Skilled in use of Word, Excel, PowerPoint and other programs; Chinese, English and German Typing

German and English Skills

Have a good command of both spoken and written German and passed German-4 Test.

Have a good command of both spoken and written English and passed Englisch-4 Test.

Scholarships and Awards

xxxx.9—xxxx.9 Tuition Scholarships from American

xxxx.9 Tuition Scholarship from American


General business knowledge relating to financial, healthcare

Have a passion for the Internet, and an abundance of common sense


Literary writing, reading, participation in various conferences and colloquia, computers, cooking, movies, travel .

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