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当前位置:大学生无虑网大学生专栏简历大全求职简历模板建筑评估师的英文求职简历» 正文


[10-15 19:56:44]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  求职简历模板   阅读:8239
概要:建筑评估师的英文求职简历ObjectiveTo obtain a position as a building inspector with a private company.ExperienceRaymeon Building Contractors 4/95 – 1/02Building Inspector San Jose, CAInspect commercial and industrial building facilities prior to inspection by state authorities. Exhibited deep knowledge of state building codes, including flooring, framing and stairways. Helped buildings that were sub-par quickly met grading, zoning and safety laws. Interacted with architects, enginee



To obtain a position as a building inspector with a private company.


Raymeon Building Contractors 4/95 – 1/02
Building Inspector San Jose, CA

Inspect commercial and industrial building facilities prior to inspection by state authorities.
Exhibited deep knowledge of state building codes, including flooring, framing and stairways.
Helped buildings that were sub-par quickly met grading, zoning and safety laws.
Interacted with architects, engineers and mechanical engineers to ensure compliance pre-build.
Maintained inspection records and prepared reports for use by senior management.

Comtel Construction 9/82 – 4/95
General Contractor San Jose, CA

Assumed full responsibility for building inspection during the absence of full-time inspector.
Supervised the building of various commercial, residential and industrial buildings.
Managed teams of sub-contractors and enforced building code standards.
Assisted the owner with hiring and training new employees.
Supervised up to 25 subcontractors at any one time.
Worked as a skilled carpenter – 1982 - 1986


San Jose Community College: Associate Degree in Industrial Arts, 1982.

Apprenticeship: Completed under John Winkler of Comtel Construction


Excellent references available upon request

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