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Administration Office Manager英文简历模板制作

[10-15 19:56:44]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  求职简历模板   阅读:8896
概要:Administration Office Manager英文简历模板制作20xx/01—present xxxindustry: apparel/textiles/leather goods administration office manager responsibilities & achievements: finance:1. coordinate the work of finance team;2. check daily expenses, arrange the supplier payment;3. assist general manager to do the finance budget & analysis;4. assist to do the auditing.hr:1. organization planning;2. staff recruitment;3. control the staff attendance;4. staff payroll, individual income tax &
Administration Office Manager英文简历模板制作,标签:求职简历模板下载,个人求职简历模板,http://www.dxs56.com

Administration Office Manager英文简历模板制作

20xx/01—present xxx
industry: apparel/textiles/leather goods
administration office manager
responsibilities & achievements:
1. coordinate the work of finance team;
2. check daily expenses, arrange the supplier payment;
3. assist general manager to do the finance budget & analysis;
4. assist to do the auditing.
1. organization planning;
2. staff recruitment;
3. control the staff attendance;
4. staff payroll, individual income tax & social security payment;
5. organize the staff activities 6.issue staff manual;
6. staff labor relationship management.
1. coordinate the daily office work;
2. maintain the related license and contract of the company;
3. control the office goods purchasing.
1999/01—20xx/12 hong kong herma ltd. shanghai representative office
industry: apparel/textiles/leather goods
20xx/01—20xx/12:administration admin and hr manager
responsibilities & achievements:
1. make the recruitment plan and recruit through web, media & university;
2. interview & psychological test;
3. analyze the needs of training, make the training plan and organize the training assessment;
4. make the plan of staff probation assessment and staff promotion assessment;
5. control of annual leave and working time;
6. staff payroll, individual income tax & social security payment;
7. staff labor relationship management;
8. collect all staff memo;
9. organize staff activities;
10. issue company staff manual.
1. renew the related license and contract of the company;
2. renew the office insurance;
3. office goods purchasing.
1. responsible for the smooth working of the network;
2. responsible for the implementation of the new it program.
report directly to: office manager number of subordinate:6
reference: stella fu
20xx/01—20xx/12:administration admin and hr director
responsibilities & achievements:
1. accounting: deal with office account & bank affairs;
2. admin: manage the admin staff; office documents & contracts maintenance;
3. it: office network maintenance;
4. business: garment accessory development.
report directly to: office manager number of subordinate:6
reference: stella fu
1999/01—20xx/12: administration secretary of managing director & office manager
responsibilities & achievements:
1. secretary: 1.interpretation 2.computer operation 3.arrange the visiting schedule for managing director.
2. adminstration:1.maitain the computer system 2.make the accounting & issue staff expense claim 3.annual audit and renew the registration certificate, approval certificate &tax registration certificate. develop the accessory of the garments.
3. domestic sales: 1.control the shop assistants, merchandise, promotion and presentation 2.get in touch with the director of big department store and in charge of opening new shops 3. logistic.
1996/07—1999/01 shanghai tian lin middle school
industry: education/training
english teacher, class director
responsibilities & achievements: 共2页,当前第1页1

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