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当前位置:大学生无虑网大学生专栏简历大全求职简历模板商务分析师的英文个人简历模板制作» 正文


[10-15 19:56:44]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  求职简历模板   阅读:8234
概要:商务分析师的英文个人简历模板制作jun yucell phone: 134 (beijing)e-mail: stone*@hotmail.comeducationhenry b. tippie school of management, university of iowa iowa city, usamaster of business administration (mba), may 20xxawarded charles land alice fay grannon scholarshipawarded graduate assistantshipbeijing university of aeronautics & astronautics beijing, chinamaster of management science, march 1999experiencegoogle inc. may, 20xx - present,business analystparticipated in google's quality


jun yu

cell phone: 134******** (beijing)

e-mail: stone*****@hotmail.com


henry b. tippie school of management, university of iowa iowa city, usa

master of business administration (mba), may 20xx

awarded charles land alice fay grannon scholarship

awarded graduate assistantship

beijing university of aeronautics & astronautics beijing, china
master of management science, march 1999


google inc. may, 20xx - present,

business analyst

participated in google's quality control program - quality evaluation for websites searching

used ewoq merit scale system to evaluate google web page searching; analyzed the fit between the queries and results

siemens ltd. china

senior manager, key accountfeb. 20xx – aug. 20xx

promoted siemens communication products into chinese market; set up and maintained good relationships with china netcom operator

extended siemens brand name through effective strategies; carried out market and product analysis to determine market opportunities; structured long-term and short-term market plans

great dragon telecom corp.beijing, china

executive, market analysis & management apr. 1999 – apr. 20xx

supervised financial and commercial operation in regional markets; conducted ratio analysis and breakeven analysis for projects

prepared long-term and short-term market plans based on profitability and risk analysis; analyzed market and financial performance against plans

additional information

conversant english; strong pc skills; familiar with ms word, excel, access, powerpoint, bloomberg, spss

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