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当前位置:大学生无虑网大学生专栏简历大全求职简历模板高级结构工程师的英文个人简历模板制作» 正文


[10-15 19:56:44]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  求职简历模板   阅读:8757
概要:高级结构工程师的英文个人简历模板制作personal information:name:yang hongsex: maledate of birth: april 17,1967email:*****@mail.*****.netmobile:136*******education:1984.9-1988.8 beijing university of posts and telecommunicationselectronic precision mechanical engineering bachelorexperience:20xx.3-20xx.5ip terminal business department (chengdu) datang telecom technology senior mechanical engineer●took charge of mechanical structure designs of iptv digital entertainment product “multimedia on netwo


personal information:

name:yang hong

sex: male

date of birth: april 17,1967




1984.9-1988.8 beijing university of posts and telecommunications
electronic precision mechanical engineering bachelor



ip terminal business department (chengdu) datang telecom technology
senior mechanical engineer

●took charge of mechanical structure designs of iptv digital entertainment product “multimedia on networks system” and “personal media player”


datang telecom technology co.,ltd optical communication branch
senior mechanical engineer/mechanical structure development team leader/
mechanical structure department manager

●took charge of mechanical structure design of “synchronous digital hierarchy (sdh)”

●took charge of mechanical structure design of “multi-service transmission platform (mstp)”, formed schemes of mechanical structure design, finished detail design of mstp2.5gb/s subrack.


the fifth institute of ministry of posts and tele-communications
assistant mechanical structure engineer/mechanical structure engineer

●independently took charge of the mechanical design of plesiochronous digital hierarchy (pdh) series equipment

●participated in mechanical design of carrier communication amplifier equipments for coaxial cable etc.


●have nearly 17 years experience in mechanical design of optical communication products

●familiar with all kinds of design characteristic of sheetmetal parts, plastic parts, parts of machining by cutting, extrusion parts of aluminium alloys, and relative machining process.

●familiar with national and international standards, good at standardizing design of communication equipment.

●good ability to communication and co-operation in working,working hard, actively and strictly.

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