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[10-15 19:49:50]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  英文简历   阅读:8826
概要:英文简历44-zw3.doc英文简历44-zw3.doc阿RESUMENAME: DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH: Jan.18,1971Taiyuan, P.R.ChinaNATIONALITY: P.R.ChinaSEX: MaleMARITAL STATUS: SingleADDRESS:* Mail address: P.O.Box 888,Post Office,Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, P.R.China* Tel.:86-10-XXX(o)* Fax :86-10-XXX(o)* E-MAIL: jordan@net.tsinghua.edu.cnEDUCATION:* Sept.1988 - June 1993,Dept.of Electrical Engineering,Tsinghua University, Bachelor of Electrical Engineering.(GPA: 91.4/100)* Sept.1993 -(July 1996),Dep



RESUME NAME: **** DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH: Jan.18,1971Taiyuan, P.R.China NATIONALITY: P.R.China SEX: Male MARITAL STATUS: Single ADDRESS: * Mail address: P.O.Box 888,Post Office,Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, P.R.China * Tel.:86-10-XXX(o) * Fax :86-10-XXX(o) * E-MAIL: jordan@net.tsinghua.edu.cn EDUCATION: * Sept.1988 - June 1993,Dept.of Electrical Engineering,Tsinghua University, Bachelor of Electrical Engineering.(GPA: 91.4/100) * Sept.1993 -(July 1996),Dept.of Electrical Engineering,Tsinghua University, pursuing for Master of Electrical Engineering.(GPA: 90.2/100) PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: * Sept.1992 - June 1993, teaching assistant of Scientific English Writing, Tsinghua University. * Sept.1994 - June 1995, teaching assistant of Principles of Microcomputer, Tsinghua University. * Sept.1989 - June 1991, research assistant in the Substation Monitoring Lab, Tsinghua University. * Sept.1992- June 1994, research assistantin the Power System Analysis Lab, Tsinghua University. * June.1993 - Oct.1993, part time employee in Q&K Digital Equipment Company. * Sept.1994 -(July 1996),research assistant,engaged in "Optimal power flow of flexible ac transmission power systems(FACTS)" (State Sc.and Tech. Commission Project) INTENDED AREAS OF STUDY: * power system stability and control; * power system operation and planning; * optimization theory,control theory,computer system and their applications to power system; * power electronics and its application in power system (HVDC,FACTS) PUBLICATIONS AND WORKS: 1."Automatic load regulation system of heat and power plant based on microcomputer local network", ISEDEM'93 paper. 2.Power System Dynamics(equation verification and proofreading for the book). 3.Software ofYantz Power Plant SCADA&Load Regulation System. ( Developing program in C with Windows SDK ) 4.Power System Drawing Kit. ( Developing program in C with Windows SDK ) 5.Music Studio/Editor based on DSP board.(OOP with Borland C++) 6.Music Studio/Mixerbased on DSP board.(OOP with Borland C++) 7.Hunjiang Power Plant Emergency ControlSystem . (Developing program and supervising undergraduate,DOS version) 8.Graphic Display System ofJinghua Stock Agency.(Developed with Foxpro and Visual C++) 9."Operating principle of UPFC and its application" , Report of research work on FACTS , 1995 10."Power flow analysis of a power system with the UPFC installed" , Report of research work on FACTS , 1995 HONORS: * Silver Prize in National High School Student's Physics Contest , 1988 * Tsinghua University Scholarship 1988- 1992 , First Prize * Second Prize in 10th Tsinghua University Student Invention Contest , 1992 * Excellent Volunteer in 10th Asian Game, 1990 * National Educational Committee Guang Hua Scholarship 1993 , First Prize * Social Experience Scholarship 1994 , First Prize * GUANGHUA fellowship,1995, Second Prize ENGLISH ABILITY: * TOEFL: 647,(May 13,1995) * GRE: 2250,(Oct. 14,1995)(V:660,Q:800,A:790) SPORTS: * Baseball , Second of the 1st baseball game ofTsinghua University,1991 * Bridge , Champion of the 2nd "Meihua Cup" ofTsinghua University,1992

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