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[10-15 19:49:50]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  英文简历   阅读:8995
概要:Name: Lin xxx Sex: Male Education: Vocational Profession: car insurance assessment and date of birth: October 18, 1990 Mobile: 13471191343 Tel :0760-xxxxxx Address XXXXX Guangdong Zip: 528400 Educational background Graduate institutions: Guangxi traffic school senior technicians in 20xx - 20xx Assessment Class Majors: automobile culture motor vehicle insurance practice Troubleshooting car accident damaged vehicles will be tested with the vehicle fault diagnosis and detection
Name: Lin xxx Sex: Male Education: Vocational

Profession: car insurance assessment and date of birth: October 18, 1990

Mobile: 13471191343 Tel :0760-xxxxxx

Address XXXXX Guangdong Zip: 528400

Educational background

Graduate institutions: Guangxi traffic school senior technicians in 20xx - 20xx Assessment Class

Majors: automobile culture motor vehicle insurance practice Troubleshooting car accident damaged vehicles will be tested with the vehicle fault diagnosis and detection technology.

Internship experience: April 20xx in Guangxi Automobile Fair 15th

Easy-going person, honest, strong, optimistic, cheerful, loving sports.

Personal values

My credo is: "keep making progress, work hard," I believe I will definitely give you the ability to be satisfied with a surprise!
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