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[10-15 19:49:50]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  英文简历   阅读:8585
概要:stating your work experience(说明工作经历)sales manager.in addition to ordinary sales activities and manament of department,responsible for recruiting adn training of sales staff members.销售部经理。除了政党销售活动和部门管理之外,还负责招聘与训练销售人员。 assistant to the general manager of shenzhen petrochemical industrial corporation ltd..handled the itinerary schedule of the general manager.met clients as a representative of the corporation.helped to negotiate a $5,000,000 deal for the corporation.深圳市石油化工集团股份有限

  stating your work experience(说明工作经历)

  sales manager.in addition to ordinary sales activities and manament of department,responsible for recruiting adn training of sales staff members.


  assistant to the general manager of shenzhen petrochemical industrial corporation ltd..handled the itinerary schedule of the general manager.met clients as a representative of the corporation.helped to negotiate a $5,000,000 deal for the corporation.


  secretary to president of silverlion group corporation ltd.
responsibilities:receiving visitors,scheduling meetings,taking adn typing dictation,writing routine letters and reports.


  public relations girl at guangzhou holiday inn.fulltime in summers,part-time during school.


  assistant to manager of accounting department of a joint venture enterprise.analyzed data and relevant financial statistics,and produced monthly financial statements.


  workde 21 hours weekly as a salesgirl at the bookstore of shenzhen university.earned 45% of college expenses.


  production manager:initiated puality control resulting in a reduction in working hours by 20% while increasing productivity by 25%.


  staff member of shanxi textiles import adn export company.handled import of textiles from hong kong,macao,taiwan,increased sales by 25% from 1990 to 1993.made frequent business trips to these places to negotiate with textile mills.


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