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[10-15 19:49:50]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  英文简历   阅读:8585
概要:英语个人简历格式本文由简历网(www.dxs56.com)为您提供以下相关内容、毕业生英文简历范文 英文简历表格下载 :作为参考为了让你了解写个人简历时能写得更好下面文章为写求职简历时作为模板、应届生英文简历范文 应届毕业生英文简历怎么写 。 Personal Details Resume number: Updating date: no photo Name: Nationality: China (Mainland) Current Place: Yuexiu Height/


本文由简历网(www.dxs56.com)为您提供以下相关内容、毕业生英文简历范文     英文简历表格下载 :作为参考

为了让你了解写个人简历时能写得更好下面文章为写求职简历时作为模板、应届生英文简历范文    应届毕业生英文简历怎么写 。

Personal Details  
Resume number:   Updating date:   no photo
Name:   Nationality: China (Mainland)
Current Place: Yuexiu Height/Weight: 165 cm54 kg
Marital Status: Single Age: 24 years
Career Objective and Work experience
Application type: 01
Preferred job title: Trade: buyer 、 English Translator: 、 Japanese Translator:
Working life: 3 Title: Middle title
Job type: Full time Expected Start date: In a week
Expected salary: ¥3,500--¥5,000 Preferred working place: Guangzhou Foshan Shenzhen
Work Experience :
Company's name: United sales agency ltd,coBegin and end date: 20xx-03-20xx-10
Enterprise nature: Soly foreign funded enterprisesIndustry: Trading/Imports & Exports
Job Title: Merchandiser 
Job description:      This is a trading company runned by one foreigner. This is a small company, but I learnt so many important things from this company.
     I commuicate with the clients by MSN , SKYPE and Outlook . After that, I start to search the good suppliers from the internet.After inquery, then send the samples to the client for confirmation, finally, I need to make the documents. Somethimes, some country allow to import the goods with the imported certificate. So we need to arrange for everything in case of the mistake, like make sure the delivery , then make appointment with the checking people.
    So I need to in charge of the whole line after the client place the order.Then inspection and loading the container .
   When the clients come to China , I need to translate for the client and dicuss the client idea with the factoy.
When the fair come,  I will go with the client and know abt the maket . 
Reasons for leaving: wanna see more 
Company's name: Strong Bunch International Ltd.,Begin and end date: 20xx-02-20xx-07
Enterprise nature: Soly foreign funded enterprisesIndustry: Trade/Consumption/Manufacturing/Operation
Job Title: Merchandiser 
Job description:     Handle shoes products made in China for European, American and south Africa market on trading business. For instance, documents making for exporting as per L/C. Checked the suitcase, and arranged shipment. L/C , B/L checking , Form A, CO and custom invoice for Canada etc. and payments collection
    Follow up on shipments, booking containers, shipping documents handling. Contact the forwarders and deal with some problem for the shipment. Like apply for latecome,etc.
Familiar with ERP system operating resource planning and integrate and data and processes of and organization.
    Deal with vendors for problems
Communicate with QCs for problems exposing and shoot the troubles together. And as a assistant for the QC to inspect the products  
    Follow up with the production schedule, sample making ,etc.
    In charge of the trail for the mass production
    Dealt with the problems for the production with the stuffs in the factory. 
Reasons for leaving: wanna learn more 

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