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[12-29 18:10:37]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  英文简历   阅读:8350
概要:1995-1997 Senior Engineer, Concept Design Division LONDON, U.K.Designed entire diesel engine architecture concepts for products beyond 20xx.Led design of virtual engine using Pro/Engineer computer aided design and finite element analysis tools.Demonstrated use of industry-leading technologies to help meet future emissions standards and more stringent product performance, reliability, and weight targets.Presented design concepts to senior management using quarter-scale stereol

  1995-1997 Senior Engineer, Concept Design Division LONDON, U.K.

  Designed entire diesel engine architecture concepts for products beyond 20xx.

  Led design of virtual engine using Pro/Engineer computer aided design and finite element analysis tools.

  Demonstrated use of industry-leading technologies to help meet future emissions standards and more stringent product performance, reliability, and weight targets.

  Presented design concepts to senior management using quarter-scale stereolithography model.

  1991-1995 Senior Engineer, Product Design Division TORONTO, CAMADA www.dxs56.com

  Designed various diesel engine subsystems for new product development programs.

  Led Cylinder Block Team in redesigning cylinder block for new engine platform program.

  Concurrently engineered and integrated competing design requirements as part of cross-functional team.

  Worked closely with suppliers and engine plant personnel to gain broad background in manufacturing processes.


  Native speaker of English, fluent in French, some knowledge of Spanish. Extensive travel throughout East Asia. Enjoy basketball, tennis and ballroom dancing.

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