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[12-29 18:14:18]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  英文简历   阅读:8740
概要: 9/88-Present THE LAPIS CORPORATION,Pinesville,LA Personnel Administrative Assistant Maintained filles. Prepared records for off-site storage.文章来源:过来人求职论坛9 z+ e. ^( O* PF, c. u; W! Khttp://bbs.guolairen.com Designed forms for archives.文章来源:过来人求职论坛! Y6 W5 D' G, I' Phttp://bbs.guolairen.com Developed effective space management plan for on-site records.文章来源:过来人求职论坛$ @* N1 _8 W2 Nhttp://bbs.guolairen.com Improved tracking system resulting in few lost files. Handled empl

 9/88-Present THE LAPIS CORPORATION,Pinesville,LA

Personnel Administrative Assistant

Maintained filles.
Prepared records for off-site storage.
文章来源:过来人求职论坛9 z+ e. ^( O* PF, c. u; W! Khttp://bbs.guolairen.com Designed forms for archives.
文章来源:过来人求职论坛! Y6 W5 D' G, I' Phttp://bbs.guolairen.com Developed effective space management plan for on-site records.
文章来源:过来人求职论坛$ @* N1 _8 W2 Nhttp://bbs.guolairen.com Improved tracking system resulting in few lost files.

Handled employment verifications and designed forms to expedite process.
文章来源:过来人求职论坛! q5 U- o% G2 ]( d& @! |) R2 y$ xhttp://bbs.guolairen.com 12/84-8/88 GLADE GROVE COLLEGE,Baton Rouge,LA

Records Coordinator for Development

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