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[07-21 13:53:34]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  英文求职信   阅读:8600
概要:Dear Mr. Chamberlaine: I am seeking a position where I can apply my experience as an environmental specialist. As an Environmental Project Manager in the Environmental Affairs Department of the Dow Chemical Company, I have gained experience in many areas of the environmental industry, especially hazardous substance and waste management as well as environmental legislation and compliance requirements.Specific areas of accomplishment include: - Company compliance with applicabl

Dear Mr. Chamberlaine:

I am seeking a position where I can apply my experience as an environmental specialist. As an Environmental Project Manager in the Environmental Affairs Department of the Dow Chemical Company, I have gained experience in many areas of the environmental industry, especially hazardous substance and waste management as well as environmental legislation and compliance requirements.

Specific areas of accomplishment include: 

- Company compliance with applicable local, state, and federal environmental regulations nationwide
- Design and implementation of training programs to limit company risk and liability in the hazardous substance management field
- Research and evaluation of cost-effective methods for hazardous substance reduction, recycling and conservation.

I am interested in an industry position in environmental compliance, hazardous substance management, and/or industrial environmental training and education. I am interested in a company that has a strong interest in developing pro-active programs to limit liability and risk in environmental affairs.

My resume is enclosed. Thank you for reviewing my credentials, and I look forward to hearing from you.


     Wendel B. Thomas

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