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[10-27 16:54:52]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  大学英语六级考试试题   阅读:80
概要:86. The prosperity of a nation is largely dependent upon (一个国家未来的繁荣在很大程度上有赖于) the quality of education of its people 编辑推荐:2011年6月大学英语六级网上报名入口2011年大学英语六级考试阅读理解专项训练35篇汇总英语六级考试考前备考时间分配原则介绍 www.dxs56.com 答案(注:答案来源于网络,仅供参考)Part 1 Writing范文一Recent decades have seen the rapid development of information technology, and thereby E-books have wound their way into our daily life. Because of the wide and quick popularity of E-books, there has

86.   The prosperity of a nation is largely dependent upon (一个国家未来的繁荣在很大程度上有赖于) the quality of education of its people










Part 1 Writing


Recent decades have seen the rapid development of information technology, and thereby E-books have wound their way into our daily life. Because of the wide and quick popularity of E-books, there has been an increasing controversy over the question of whether E-books will replace traditional books or not.

Many people hold the idea that it will not take long for E-books to replace traditional books because E-books have quite a few advantages over traditional ones. First, E-books are more accessible to readers, because the readers just need to log onto the internet and read online. Second, thanks to the advanced technology, the cost of E-books is much lower, so it takes readers far less money to buy E-books. Last but not the least, reading E-books has developed into part of our daily life, which is particularly appealing to young users, who are the body part of the users of electronic products.

As far as I’m concerned, it is not likely for E-books to replace traditional books for lots of reasons. For example, long time of reading E-books will do more harm to our eyes, and readers will find themselves more accessible to printed materials because computers and the internet haven’t yet been popularized to every corner of our life.


E-books, or electronic books, have the same information and need the same reading experience as the traditional books, which you actually hold in your hands. E-books have so many benefits that they will replace traditional books.

E-books can be created on a shoestring budget while the authors of traditional books will have to overcome a tough sales target before they even consider making a profit on the book. E-books are quicker to create because they could be written and published in as little as a week while the time span between starting a traditional book and writing it could take around a year or two. E-books are easier to target a wide market because they may be sold on the Internet to anyone with a credit card and an Internet connection in any place in the world, while with a traditional book it may be difficult to expand to new markets, since it will involve further significant costs on distribution and marketing.

To conclude, E-books are a very valuable tool that could be used as a profit centre, as a publishing tool or as a marketing tool. They have many advantages over the traditional books. E-books will replace traditional books.

Part 2 Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)

1. D) Scientists’ vision of the world in half a century.

2. B) may not come true

3. A) humans won’t have to donate organs for transplantation

4. C) live to 100 and more with vitality

5. C) alien life will likely be discovered

6. A ) might survive all catastrophes on earth

7. D) lost fingers and limbs will be able to regrow

8. artificial intelligence

9. weapons

10. religion

Part 3 Listening Comprehension

Section A

11. D) The man is a fan of world-famous football players.

12. D) Solve his problem by doing a part-time job.

13. C) A real nuisance.

14. A) The errors will be corrected soon.

15. B) He has to type his paper once more.

16. A) They might have to change their plan.

17. D) They are not late for a loan application.

18. C) The quality of air will surely change for the better.

19. B) Numerous varieties of food.

20. B) A world of antiques.

21. D) It generates 70% of the electricity it uses.

22. B) 30,000

23. C) Thinking about doing a different job.

24. A) She has finally got a promotion and a pay raise.

25. B) He changed his mind about marriage unexpectedly.

Section B

Passage 1

26. D) They are getting more popular as a means of water recreation.

27. A) Water scooter operators lack of experience.

28. B) They produce too much noise.

29. D) Enforce necessary regulations.

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