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[10-27 20:16:22]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  自学考试试题   阅读:80
概要:全国2011年1月高等教育自学考试基础英语试题 课程代码:00088请将答案填在答题纸相应位置上 一、词汇应用和语法结构(本大题共30小题,每小题1分,共30分) (一)词汇应用(15分) 选择最佳答案完成句子,错选、多选或未选均无分。 1. For those who are having strong immune system, the viruses will not __________ them. A. affect onB. influence onC. effectD. affect2. They __________ about the injustice of the system bitterly. A. scoldedB. complainedC. accused D. criticized 3. Who __________ you into writing that letter?A. persuadedB. let C. asked D. kept4. China is striding ahead in her _


1. For those who are having strong immune system, the viruses will not __________ them.
A. affect on
B. influence on
C. effect
D. affect
2. They __________ about the injustice of the system bitterly.
A. scolded
B. complained
C. accused
D. criticized
3. Who __________ you into writing that letter?
A. persuaded
B. let
C. asked
D. kept
4. China is striding ahead in her __________ construction.
A. economist’s
B. economist
C. economic
D. economical
5. Life has no meaning except in __________ of responsibility.
A. means
B. ways
C. conditions
D. terms
6. What value can you __________ our organization?
A. add
B. add to
C. rise
D. rise up
7. He had to make a great __________ to be pleasant to people he didn’t like.
A. power
B. function
C. practice
D. effort
8. She __________ on her daughter’s taking the TOEFL again.
A. insisted
B. persisted
C. stuck
D. begged
9. We should __________ to it that all work done conforms to high standards.
A. set
B. turn
C. see
D. come
10. Anyone who needed their help could __________ on Robin and his men.
A. hold
B. sit
C. stand
D. count
11. Her suitcase seemed __________ heavy for such a short trip.
A. unnecessary
B. unnecessarily
C. necessarily
D. necessary
12. He drank a glass of boiled water __________.
A. at a bound
B. at a loss
C. at a glance
D. at a draught
13. __________ means spending a lot of money carelessly without considering the final result.
A. Prodigality
B. Degradation
C. Opulence
D. Parsimony
14. Only students at this institute have the __________ of using the books in the reading room.
A. occasion
B. privilege
C. habit
D. possibility
15. I’ve taken the children to the restaurant and they were as good as __________.
A. bone
B. god
C. gold
D. log


16. Our great bridges are made __________ steel, and so are the ships that cross the oceans.
A. of
B. from
C. into
D. by
17. We shall be only __________ pleased to hear from you further.
A. very
B. such
C. so
D. too
18.You claim that by travelling by boat I am wasting part of my holiday. __________, I regard the sea journey as the most enjoyable part of it.
A. Apart from that
B. Besides
C. On the contrary
D. On the other hand
19.The doctor asked us not to call him during the night except __________ necessity.
A. in case
B. in case of
C. although
D. provided
20.That’s the hotel __________ last year.
A. which we stayed
B. at which we stayed at
C. where we stayed at
D. where we stayed
21.He climbed up into the tree and picked all the fruit __________ reach.
A. by
B. out of
C. at
D. within
22. Would you please step __________ and have a cup of coffee with us?
A. aside
B. in
C. back
D. on
23. __________ this medicine regularly; it will protect you against a return of the illness.
A. Take
B. Taking
C. To take
D. Taken
24.__________ the contract provides otherwise, it is the buyer’s legal duty to collect the goods from the seller’s premises.
A. Although
B. Unless
C. Provided
D. Considering
25. I don’t believe him; he __________ be serious.
A. can’t
B. needn’t
C. mayn’t
D. mustn’t
26. __________ past performances, he is not likely to do well in his exams.
A. Judged from
B. To judge from
C. Judge from
D. Judging from
27. He is a criminal from justice trying to avoid __________ by the police.
A. having been caught
B. being caught
C. catching
D. to be caught
28. During the meeting, __________ begun to speak when the audience interrupted him.
A. hardly he had
B. hardly had he
C. no sooner had he
D. no sooner he had
29.Water is water __________ it is still or in waves.
A. if
B. which
C. whether
D. what
30.__________ children, the importance of games should not be ignored in the life of adults.
A. With
B. Regarding
C. For
D. As with


二、改错 (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
下面句子中有 A,B,C,D四个划底线部分,其中有一个是错误的,选出错误部分的字母,无需改正错误。
31.Just think of expensive packaging material that is thrown away at each time a new object is bought.

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