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[10-27 20:16:22]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  自学考试试题   阅读:80
概要: A B C D 32.When everybody's spirit of competition is in wrok, wa can improve the quality of products. A B C D33.Some British doctors have pointed that pne of Britain's worst flu waves came within week of

                   A                                   B                                                C                      D      

32.When everybody's spirit of competition is in wrok, wa can improve the quality of products.

          A                               B                                        C                                                 D

33.Some British doctors have pointed that pne of Britain's worst flu waves came within week of

                                                              A                                                           B

the country changing to decimal coinage.

C                          D

34.When facial tissues were first put on the market in 1924,they were made in small quantities

                            A                                      B                                                                                           C

and sold by 65 cents per box of 200.


35.Despite of the widespread early use of wool ang linen,cotton is the most important

              A                                                    B

 source of man's clothing.

       C                            D
Wise buying is a _____41_____ way in which you can make your money go further. The way you go about buying an article or a service can actually _____42_____ your money or can increase the cost.

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