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[10-15 19:47:26]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  英语名言   阅读:8717
概要:中文翻译来自google翻译,如有错误请见谅Sound the bugle now play it just for me As the seasons change remember how I used to be Now I can't go on I can't even start I've got nothing left just an empty heart 现在的号角声 对我来说它只是发挥 随着季节的变化 记得我曾经是 现在我不能去 我不能甚至开始 我得所剩无几 只是一个空的心脏 I'm a soldier wounded so I must give up the fight There's nothing more for me lead me away... Or leave me lying here 我是一个兵 受伤的,所以我必须放


Sound the bugle now
    play it just for me
    As the seasons change
    remember how I used to be
    Now I can't go on
    I can't even start
    I've got nothing left
    just an empty heart 

    I'm a soldier
    wounded so I must give up the fight
    There's nothing more for me
    lead me away...
    Or leave me lying here


    Sound the bugle now
    tell them I don't care
    There's not a road I know
    that leads to anywhere
    Without a light feat that I will stumble in the dark
    Lay right down decide not to go on

    Then from on hight - somewhere in the distance
    There's a voice that calls -
    remember who your are
    If you lose yourself -
    your courage soon will follow
    So be strong tonight -
    remember who you are
    然后从总高 - 距离在某处
    调用一个声音 -
    如果你失去自己 -
    所以今晚强 -

    Ya you're a soldier now
    fighting in a battle
    To be free once more
    Ya that's worth fighting for


Tag:英语名言英语名言警句,英语名言名句励志人生 - 英语名言
