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Cashier Resume 收银员简历

[10-15 19:04:08]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  简历范文   阅读:8854
概要:Desired PositionCashier position in a major retail company with potential future opportunities in related customer service areas.StrengthsAccurately managed a cash draw in Baltimore's busiest Men's Department. Handled customer inquiries and solved billing problems. Dealt with a diverse customer population. Enthusiastic and cooperative.ExperienceCashier, 1998 - PresentWard's Department Store, Baltimore, MDHandling all cash and credit card transactions in department
Cashier Resume 收银员简历,标签:大学生个人简历范文,工作简历范文,http://www.dxs56.com
Desired Position

Cashier position in a major retail company with potential future opportunities in related customer service areas.

Accurately managed a cash draw in Baltimore's busiest Men's Department. Handled customer inquiries and solved billing problems. Dealt with a diverse customer population. Enthusiastic and cooperative.


Cashier, 1998 - Present
Ward's Department Store, Baltimore, MD
Handling all cash and credit card transactions in department storeenvironment. Balanced cash draw at close of shift. Frequently closedstore and secured building. One of only two cashier's who held abuilding key.

Cashier, 1996 - 1998
Vandell's Flowers & Gifts, Hagerstown, MD
Handled all transactions, both in person and via telephone, for thisupscale floral boutique. Successfully managed high volume sales.

Inventory Monitor, 1991 - 1995
J.C. Holmes Department Store, Chambersburg, PA
Monitored supply of women's clothing and jewellrey inventory. Dutiesincluded retail shelf stocking and back-up inventory ordering.


A.A., Business, 1996
Hagerstown Business College, Hagerstown, MD

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Tag:简历范文大学生个人简历范文,工作简历范文求职简历 - 简历范文

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