Actuarial Analyst Resume 精算师简历
[10-15 19:04:08] 来源: 简历范文 阅读:8565次
概要:OBJECTIVE Position as an actuarial analyst for insurance company.SUMMARY OF ABILITIESIn-depth knowledge of multivariate calculus; linear algebra; probability; statistics; and insurance rate-making or reserving. Ability to perform rate-making or reserving analysis; explain actuarial analysis to customers. Effective oral and written communication Exceptional scores on SOA exams EMPLOYMENT HISTORYActuarial Analyst, 1998 to PresentJenson Consulting, Chicago, ILExtracted and
Actuarial Analyst Resume 精算师简历,标签:大学生个人简历范文,工作简历范文,
Position as an actuarial analyst for insurance company.
In-depth knowledge of multivariate calculus; linear algebra; probability; statistics; and insurance rate-making or reserving. Ability to perform rate-making or reserving analysis; explain actuarial analysis to customers. Effective oral and written communication Exceptional scores on SOA exams
Actuarial Analyst, 1998 to Present
Jenson Consulting, Chicago, IL
Extracted and manipulated data to perform quarterly actuarial pricingof various insurance products. Worked with underwriting claims and ITdepartments to monitor strategy initiatives and communicate reportingrequirements while exploring systems solutions
Actuarial Analyst, 1993 to 1998
Etna Insurance, Bloomington, IN
Developed and provided timely, cost-effective actionable information tosupport the actuarial functions of product development, pricing,reserving, financial reporting and source of gain/loss. Prepared andtested rate implementation to ensure the profitability and financialintegrity of the company's business.
Statistician, 1991 to 1993
University of California, San Diego, CA
Performed statistical analyses required for two extramurally fundedprojects concerning mentally ill offenders and consumers of communitymental health and drug treatment services. Duties included statisticalanalyses, coding and derivation of variables, and preparation ofreports and presentations.
B.A., Economics & Statistics, 1990
University of Texas, Austin, Texas
Position as an actuarial analyst for insurance company.
In-depth knowledge of multivariate calculus; linear algebra; probability; statistics; and insurance rate-making or reserving. Ability to perform rate-making or reserving analysis; explain actuarial analysis to customers. Effective oral and written communication Exceptional scores on SOA exams
Actuarial Analyst, 1998 to Present
Jenson Consulting, Chicago, IL
Extracted and manipulated data to perform quarterly actuarial pricingof various insurance products. Worked with underwriting claims and ITdepartments to monitor strategy initiatives and communicate reportingrequirements while exploring systems solutions
Actuarial Analyst, 1993 to 1998
Etna Insurance, Bloomington, IN
Developed and provided timely, cost-effective actionable information tosupport the actuarial functions of product development, pricing,reserving, financial reporting and source of gain/loss. Prepared andtested rate implementation to ensure the profitability and financialintegrity of the company's business.
Statistician, 1991 to 1993
University of California, San Diego, CA
Performed statistical analyses required for two extramurally fundedprojects concerning mentally ill offenders and consumers of communitymental health and drug treatment services. Duties included statisticalanalyses, coding and derivation of variables, and preparation ofreports and presentations.
B.A., Economics & Statistics, 1990
University of Texas, Austin, Texas
Tag:简历范文,大学生个人简历范文,工作简历范文,求职简历 - 简历范文
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