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[10-15 19:49:50]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  英文简历   阅读:8165
概要:外企英文简历大学生简历网(www.dxs56.com)为你提供:大专毕业生简历范文 大学生个人简历范本、仅供参考Update: Updated: No photos Name: Nationality: Chinese Currently Location: Tianhe District Nationality: Chinese Account Location: Zhanjiang build: 160 cm  kg Marital Status: Single Age: 24 years Training and Certification: honesty badge: Job search intention and work experience Talent Type: General Job  Position: Accounting: Accounting, Work Experience: 3 Title: Title Job type: Full-time available date: any time Sala


大学生简历网(www.dxs56.com)为你提供:大专毕业生简历范文    大学生个人简历范本、仅供参考

Update: Updated: No photos
Name: Nationality: Chinese
Currently Location: Tianhe District Nationality: Chinese
Account Location: Zhanjiang build: 160 cm  kg
Marital Status: Single Age: 24 years
Training and Certification: honesty badge:
Job search intention and work experience
Talent Type: General Job 
Position: Accounting: Accounting,
Work Experience: 3 Title: Title
Job type: Full-time available date: any time
Salary requirements: 20xx - 3500 hope that the working area: Tianhe District Baiyun District Yuexiu District
Personal experience: Company Name: beginning and ending years :20xx-03 ~ 20xx-06 Zhanjiang City, New Link Industrial Co., Ltd.
Nature: Private Industry: Mechanical / Electrical / Equipment /
Positions: Accounting
Job Description: 1. Order the company out, received the invoice VAT invoices and general
2. Calculate the company's daily expenses, income and wages
3. Declaration of tax, land tax, income tax, examined daily accounting, etc.
Reasons for Leaving: Conversion Environment
Educational Background
广东海洋大学" >School: Guangdong Ocean University
Education Level: college graduation date: 20xx-07-01
The Professional One: Financial Accounting by the Professional II:
By education and training experience: starting school years end years (body) professional certificate number to obtain the certificate
20xx-0920xx-07 Finance and Trade School High School High School in Zhanjiang
广东海洋大学财务会计大专" >20xx-0720xx-07 Financial Accounting College, Guangdong Ocean University
Language: Other good
Mandarin level: good Cantonese: Excellent
Ability to work and other expertise
 Familiar with the speed up financial software, familiar with the general taxpayer Accounting Treatment (commercial enterprises), and the operation of computer office software.
Detailed personal autobiography
    I have nearly 3 years of working experience, familiar with the procurement, sales process, with good personal training and communication skills, able to maintain the stability of team work and to advance its progress, and good coordination of all departments, quickly and effectively solve the problem.

Obtaining the car plates
To obtain qualification certificates
Obtain the Certificate of Primary Accounting
Obtain the Intermediate Certificate in Accounting
Abacus Technology to obtain certificates of examination (5)
National Certificate of Computer Information high-tech examinations (National Vocational Qualification 4)
Personal Contact
Phone: Home Phone:
Mobile: QQ number:
E-mail: Personal Homepage:


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