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[10-15 19:49:50]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  英文简历   阅读:8869
概要: 互联网英文简历 Resume number: Updating date: Name: Mr. robert Nationality: Hong Kong Current Place: Baiyun Height/Weight: 175 cm130 kg Marital Status:

Resume number:   Updating date:  


Name: Mr. robert Nationality: Hong Kong
Current Place: Baiyun Height/Weight: 175 cm 130 kg
Marital Status: married Age: 41 years
Career Objective and Work experience
Application type: 01
Preferred job title: Finance/Audit/Tax: Finance Manager 、 : 、 :
Working life: 15 Title: primary title
Job type: Full time Expected Start date: In two weeks
Expected salary: ¥5,000--¥8,000 Preferred working place: Guangzhou Guangzhou Shenzhen
Work Experience :
Company's name: Guangzhou XX Furnishing Co., Ltd.Begin and end date: 20xx-05-20xx-12
Enterprise nature: Soly foreign funded enterprisesIndustry: Paper Making/Printing
Job Title: Finance Manager 
Job description: Responsible for establishing and managing the system and execution of finance department, leading a 5-member team (including the cashier, costing accountant, customs declarant, accounts clerk, warehouse staff). Instructed the team members to deal with the administrative of manufacture and exporting, treat with the routine with Tax Office, Administration of Exchange Control, CIQ, banks and CIB, etc (on export tax rebate, Verifications Form of Export Payment of Exchange, etc.) Reported works to the CFO in Hong Kong, analyzed financial condition of the corp. and make corresponding strategies. Carried out inwardly the Management Control System mainly upon the cost keeping, AR/AP payment, store management, analytic control of expense budget. Trained the financial team. Communicated with other departments in an affirmative approach 
Reasons for leaving:  
Company's name: Guangzhou XX Equipment Import and Export Co.Begin and end date: 20xx-02-20xx-05
Enterprise nature: Soly foreign funded enterprisesIndustry: Communication/Telecom/Network Equipment
Job Title: Finance manager 
Job description: Led an 8-member team and was in charge of the finance department. Review  team member’s work and tidied up the financial statements. Analyzed the accounting reports and make suggestions for a more rationalized financial management. Coordinated the relations between corp. and external taxation, and CIB. Fulfilled good intra-dept works and good communications with other depts. Actively cooperated with the board chairman, general manager, the CFO and other branch offices, and keep rapport in between. Established the financial control system, perfect the management operating system (MOS), laying a firm groundwork for creating greater benefit for the corp. 
Reasons for leaving:  
Company's name: Guangzhou XX EntertainmentBegin and end date: 1995-06-20xx-01
Enterprise nature: OthersIndustry: Entertainment/Physical Culture/Office Supplies & Equipment
Job Title: Treasurer 
Job description: n charge of capital management for the 4 substations. Specifically dealt with settlement fund with banks. Looked after the relations between basic employees and the superior. Won the third and second class merits. Frequently got high opinion from seniors of different departments. 
Reasons for leaving:  

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