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[10-15 19:49:50]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  英文简历   阅读:8428
概要:Currently located: Tianhe District, Age: 22 Accounts where: Qingyuan Nationality: China Marital Status: Single Nationality: Han Training and Certification: did not participate in Height: 170 cm Honesty badge: not applied for Weight: 59 kg Talent Assessment: No assessment My specialty: Job search intention Personnel types: in school Position: Logistics / Warehousing:, Hotel / Tourism:, Customer Service Officer / Assistant (non-technical): Experience: 0 Job Title: Title Job typ

Currently located: Tianhe District, Age: 22
Accounts where: Qingyuan Nationality: China
Marital Status: Single Nationality: Han
Training and Certification: did not participate in Height: 170 cm
Honesty badge: not applied for Weight: 59 kg
Talent Assessment: No assessment
My specialty:
Job search intention

Personnel types: in school
Position: Logistics / Warehousing:, Hotel / Tourism:, Customer Service Officer / Assistant (non-technical):
Experience: 0 Job Title: Title
Job type: Intern Date Available: anytime
Salary: Negotiable hope that the working area: Guangzhou, Foshan, Qingyuan
Work experience

Ngai Lik Industrial Holdings Limited beginning and ending date :20xx-06-01 ~ 20xx-09-01
Nature: Foreign-funded Industry: Electronics / Semiconductor / IC
Position held: School crew members, etc.
Job Description: Using the machine's DVD drive movement of a large number of debugging correction, check the board in question, and find out what it is.
Reason for leaving: academic requirements

School: Polytechnic Chaoshan
Highest level of education: college earn a degree: Graduate Date: 2011-06-01
Professional One: Logistics Management Professional II:
Start Date of Termination Date of schools (institutions) to obtain the certificate by the certificate number of professional learning
20xx-09-01 2011-06-01 Chaoshan Polytechnic Logistics Management - -

Language: English General Cantonese: Good
Other language skills:
Mandarin level: good
Ability to work and other expertise

I work hard, obey the leadership of the arrangement, organization, discipline and strong sense of responsibility, adaptability, attitude and hot pillow, work carefully, have good communication skills, strong self-motivated, quick thinking, the ability to accept a strong, honest trustworthy, loyal, self-confidence.
Detailed personal autobiography

September 20xx to June 20xx the city of Qingyuan clear geographical Arts High School
September 20xx to June 20xx Institute of Logistics Management College Chaoshan
In school honors
1: Level II exam passed the exam computer
2: Test of English Certificate Level B
3: Activists

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