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[10-15 19:49:50]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  英文简历   阅读:8630
概要:本文是一个应届毕业生的求职简历,想得到一份人力资源部门的职位。由于是应届毕业生,没有工作经验,只有社会实践,因此本文主要突出的是求职者在学校的一些情况。ResumePersonal Data:Name: Steve LeeGender: MaleData of Birth: June 11, 1980Marriage Status: SingleMajor: Business Administration Graduate school: Beijing UniversityDegree: Bachelor DegreeEmail: stevelee@jxue.comPhone: (010) xxxx-xxxxFax: (010) xxxx-xxxxAddress: No.29 Beisanhuan Road, Xicheng District, BeijingObjective:To obtain a challenging position as a managerial assistant, especially in Human Reso



  Personal Data:

  Name: Steve Lee
  Gender: Male
  Data of Birth: June 11, 1980
  Marriage Status: Single
  Major: Business Administration
  Graduate school: Beijing University
  Degree: Bachelor Degree
  Email: stevelee@jxue.com
  Phone: (010) xxxx-xxxx
  Fax: (010) xxxx-xxxx
  Address: No.29 Beisanhuan Road, Xicheng District, Beijing


  To obtain a challenging position as a managerial assistant, especially in Human Resource Management


  1999.9 - 20xx.9 Dept of Business Administration, Undergraduate School of Beijing University bachelor degree
  20xx.9 -now, Dept of Law, Graduate School of South China Normal University

  Academic Main Courses:

  Management of Human Resources
  Production and Operation Management
  Strategic Management
  Quality Management
  Marketing / International Trade
  Principles of Management
  Groundwork of Accounting
  Economic Law

  English Skills:

  Have a good command of both spoken and written English.

  Computer Abilities:

  Skilled in use of Windows / Office / Foxpro / Frontpage /


  1999.9 - 20xx.9 Assistant in charge of Activity pension of the Communist Youth League.
  Tutored several students from Greece and India in English for six months. We still keep in touch.

  Scholarships and Awards:

  20xx.9-20xx.9 Third-class Scholarship


  Have a passion for management/ international trade/ sales/ promotion.


  Certification of Scholarship

  Certification of Cet-4

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