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[10-15 19:49:50]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  英文简历   阅读:8715
概要:Resume Writing Tips from Recruiters and Hiring Managers 招聘人员和经理对于写好 简历 的建议A recent poll of technical recruiters and hiring managers asked for the top "pet peeves" - things they see on resumes and cover letters that make them less interested in speaking with a candidate. These make great examples of how not to write your resume.在最近的一份对招聘专员和招聘经理的调查中,询问了他们在 简历 和 求职信 上看到的令他们对候选人没兴趣的最差劲的事情。总结如下,这可以帮助你明白在 简历 中哪些不能写:1.Use of the current "tense" in all jobs on the

 Resume Writing Tips from Recruiters and Hiring Managers
 招聘人员和经理对于写好 简历 的建议

  A recent poll of technical recruiters and hiring managers asked for the top "pet peeves" - things they see on resumes and cover letters that make them less interested in speaking with a candidate. These make great examples of how not to write your resume.

  在最近的一份对招聘专员和招聘经理的调查中,询问了他们在 简历 和 求职信 上看到的令他们对候选人没兴趣的最差劲的事情。总结如下,这可以帮助你明白在 简历 中哪些不能写:

  1.Use of the current "tense" in all jobs on the resume.


  2.Writing the resume or cover letter in the third person.


  3.Too many grammar and spelling mistakes.


  4.Use of tiny, tiny fonts (10 pt or less) so as to cram as much information into the resume as possible.


  5.Photos on resumes (this is a cultural preference).


  6.A listing of their personal interests and activities.


  7.Sending a resume attachment named 41808res.doc - use your name or descriptive label.


  8.Writing the resume using table formats (columns).


  9.Using a resume that is password protected (without sending the password).


  10.Including references - but not professional ones - just friends and co-workers.


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