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当前位置:大学生无虑网公文范文求职简历英文简历英文简历:环境工程师» 正文


[10-15 19:04:08]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  英文简历   阅读:8149
概要:Safety/Health/Environment EngineerCompany Profile:- HWSC designs and markets high-performance semiconductor image sensors. Its OmniPixel and CameraChip products are highly integrated single-chip CMOS image sensors for mass-market.- Customers are commercial applications such as mobile phones, digital still cameras, security and surveillance systems, interactive video games, PCs and automotive imaging systems.Responsibilities:- Establish the company EHS system and management of
Safety/Health/Environment Engineer

Company Profile:

- HWSC designs and markets high-performance semiconductor image sensors. Its OmniPixel and CameraChip products are highly integrated single-chip CMOS image sensors for mass-market.

- Customers are commercial applications such as mobile phones, digital still cameras, security and surveillance systems, interactive video games, PCs and automotive imaging systems.


- Establish the company EHS system and management of daily EHS of company.

- Conduct the whole sites EHS training and activities, and provide specified subject trainings.

- Inspect & maintain the fireproof system (Sprinkler/ Hose/VESDA...) and qualified contractor regularly.

- Set up ERC and lead ERT team (3 subordinates).

- Identify the EHS risk for the operation, especially use Job safety analysis and safety observation tools to reduce the unsafe act of the employees.

- Accident investigation and analyse.


- Contact with local BQTS for compliance of local legislation, help to pass the appraisals of special type equipment, and obtain the Permit.

- Successfully Establish comprehensive EHS system for the plant from blank Successfully Establish comprehensive EHS system for the plant from blank. www.dxs56.com

- Received 20** EXCELLENT performance from SAWS Songjiang zone.

20**.08 - 20**.09  CSSC • Shanghai Shipyard
Safety Engineer

Company Profile:

- Shanghai Shipyard is a large state-owned Company established on the basis of the modern enterprise system. Subordinated to China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC), the Company not only concentrates on Shipbuilding, Ship-repairing and steel structure, but also expands its production to the fields of offshore engineering, pressure containers and electromechanical products, etc.

- Customers are Government and Commercial field.


- Be responsible for the management of daily safety of local.

- Improve the HSE system of Shipyard

- Collect relevant data and OHSAS18000 information.

- Professional safety inspection.

- Participate in research of the accident.

GENERAL INFORMATION                            


1999 ~ 20** Henan Polytechnic University (former Jiaozuo Institute of Technical )

 Major in Safety Engineering


20**/12  ERM
                Environmental Health and Safety Regulations and Compliance Evaluation

20**/10   SGS
                IEMA approved ISO 14001:20** Lead Auditor Training

20**/09   Jiading Zone Quality and Technical Supervision
                 Safety management for special type equipment

20**/07   Red cross society of Shanghai
                  First aid, CPR

20**/04   Shanghai Fire Brigade training center
                 Fire safety management

20**/09    CSSC Training Center
                Safe practice and management

20**/08  Shanghai occupational safety administration bureau
                Safety Professional certification course for enterprise

Other Skill & Certification

English Level: Good   CET-4

Computer Level:

Skillful MS-Office or Application Software

20**/05   Henan Province Outstanding Graduate

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