[07-22 00:45:41] 来源:http://www.dxs56.com 英语论文 阅读:8961次
概要:The theme returned “expression” at the end of the text. Whole text is completebecause it worked in concern with the front and the back.Now, we know the character of the article: 1, Answer “what is it?” 2, Use thedeductive method to spread. The article emphasized basic main points again. Infact, the definition is used when we discuss conception and feeling.In the article, having the same theme is the most and has eight times and36,490. Then continuity is the second, five times
The theme returned “expression” at the end of the text. Whole text is completebecause it worked in concern with the front and the back.
Now, we know the character of the article: 1, Answer “what is it?” 2, Use thedeductive method to spread. The article emphasized basic main points again. Infact, the definition is used when we discuss conception and feeling.
In the article, having the same theme is the most and has eight times and36,490. Then continuity is the second, five times and 22,790.overlapping is onceand 4,590. Another sentences, liketheme14, theme20 are regarded as derivative.
Theme13 and theme19 are new subjects, but they are also around theme and theme.
So we can draw a conclusion that the purpose of the text is “eager-beaver” whichis the starting point and new subject.
Part 3 The application in the teaching of readingReading comprehension is complex psychological course. Reading tests can checkthe students’ comprehension besides language ability. In teaching of reading,many teachers adopt “bottom-up” teaching methods, noticing that they comprehendto words and sentences. At the time they introduce some reading skills likeshimming, scanning etc. though we can improve student’s ability, students feeldifficult when the teachers ask them to conclude the question. www.dxs56.com
The purpose of the thematic progression is that it is simple to make readingcurse. The reading way that the thematic progression stands for is “top-down”,at first we should understand the whole content, then we comprehend the relationamong sentences. So students should get an impression. Then they can find outmain idea and important information. The students are good at distinguishingbetween the main idea and the secondary idea on this basis. It is very importantin reading especially fast reading. So main sentences can express importantinformation, such as narration subject and conclusion. Of course, we can usemany ways like analysis, explanation and so on to tell reader secondary idea,for example, “beaver” is main idea, “few other animals, historians, thesettlers” are secondary idea. But as we know now, main idea is the subject andthe secondary idea is spread out according to main idea. The thematicprogression benefits the subject of paragraph. We can understand author’spurpose and master information of text content by thematic turn.
When we research the single thematic progression, we should also research therelation between the thematic progression and genre and find common character.
The purpose of that is in order to build scheme in students’ mind. We give themsome title of articles important words to let students guess the text contentand developing way. Certainly we should still give them the first and the lastparagraph, make them found whole article content. So thematic progression isrestricted by genre.
Part 4 ConclusionReading is very necessary for everyone to get important information. So we musthave correct reading ways to teach students. The thematic progression is theoutline of the text content, but it is restricted by genres. It is important forteaching of reading to research the thematic progression. www.dxs56.com
Now, with students’ ability progress, as a teacher, it is necessary for us tomaster ways of teaching of reading.
Of course, thematic progression is not the only way in teaching of reading. Weshould learn more and more ways to improve teaching level.英语专业毕业论文 范文 英语专业 毕业论文范文 毕业论文
The theme returned “expression” at the end of the text. Whole text is completebecause it worked in concern with the front and the back.
Now, we know the character of the article: 1, Answer “what is it?” 2, Use thedeductive method to spread. The article emphasized basic main points again. Infact, the definition is used when we discuss conception and feeling.
In the article, having the same theme is the most and has eight times and36,490. Then continuity is the second, five times and 22,790.overlapping is onceand 4,590. Another sentences, liketheme14, theme20 are regarded as derivative.
Theme13 and theme19 are new subjects, but they are also around theme and theme.
So we can draw a conclusion that the purpose of the text is “eager-beaver” whichis the starting point and new subject.
Part 3 The application in the teaching of readingReading comprehension is complex psychological course. Reading tests can checkthe students’ comprehension besides language ability. In teaching of reading,many teachers adopt “bottom-up” teaching methods, noticing that they comprehendto words and sentences. At the time they introduce some reading skills likeshimming, scanning etc. though we can improve student’s ability, students feeldifficult when the teachers ask them to conclude the question. www.dxs56.com
The purpose of the thematic progression is that it is simple to make readingcurse. The reading way that the thematic progression stands for is “top-down”,at first we should understand the whole content, then we comprehend the relationamong sentences. So students should get an impression. Then they can find outmain idea and important information. The students are good at distinguishingbetween the main idea and the secondary idea on this basis. It is very importantin reading especially fast reading. So main sentences can express importantinformation, such as narration subject and conclusion. Of course, we can usemany ways like analysis, explanation and so on to tell reader secondary idea,for example, “beaver” is main idea, “few other animals, historians, thesettlers” are secondary idea. But as we know now, main idea is the subject andthe secondary idea is spread out according to main idea. The thematicprogression benefits the subject of paragraph. We can understand author’spurpose and master information of text content by thematic turn.
When we research the single thematic progression, we should also research therelation between the thematic progression and genre and find common character.
The purpose of that is in order to build scheme in students’ mind. We give themsome title of articles important words to let students guess the text contentand developing way. Certainly we should still give them the first and the lastparagraph, make them found whole article content. So thematic progression isrestricted by genre.
Part 4 ConclusionReading is very necessary for everyone to get important information. So we musthave correct reading ways to teach students. The thematic progression is theoutline of the text content, but it is restricted by genres. It is important forteaching of reading to research the thematic progression. www.dxs56.com
Now, with students’ ability progress, as a teacher, it is necessary for us tomaster ways of teaching of reading.
Of course, thematic progression is not the only way in teaching of reading. Weshould learn more and more ways to improve teaching level.英语专业毕业论文 范文 英语专业 毕业论文范文 毕业论文
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