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[10-15 19:49:50]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  英文简历   阅读:8330
概要:Name: ZHANG Da WeiGender: MaleDate of Birth: 8th November 1960Nationality: ChineseAddress: Room 324, Building 18, Xiao-Nan-Zhuang, Haidian District, Beijing,Zip:100873Tel: (010) 61396xxxFax: (010) 61390xxxE-Mail: bananatrees@msn.comPresent Occupation:12/1998-:Senior Engineering, IBM Beijing LtdResponsible for the Technological Strategy of the Business in ChinaProfessional Experience:10/1998- 12/1998: Assistant to Director of International Offi

Name:       ZHANG Da Wei

Gender:      Male

Date of Birth: 8th November 1960

Nationality:  Chinese

Address:    Room 324, Building 18, Xiao-Nan-Zhuang, Haidian District, Beijing,Zip:100873

Tel:        (010) 61396xxx

Fax:        (010) 61390xxx

E-Mail:     bananatrees@msn.com

Present Occupation:

12/1998-:Senior Engineering, IBM Beijing Ltd

Responsible for the Technological Strategy of the Business in China

Professional Experience:

10/1998- 12/1998: Assistant to Director of International Office of IBM Headquarters

01/1993- 12/1995: Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science,

Zhejiang University, Hangzhou


12/1995 - 08/1998: Master Degree Student in Graduate School, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei, Anhui Province

Specialty: Computer Science and its Applications

Project: A Relational Database System for Management Application.

09/1979- 08/1983: Undergraduate Student in the Department of Computer and Information Science, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei,

Specialty: Computer Science and Its Applications.

Project: TP801-Z80 Microcomputer Control System of Furance-temperature.


Dancing, Travelling, Water color and Reading

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