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[07-22 00:47:09]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  英语论文   阅读:8937
概要:8) 该作品的页码或有关内容的页码后用句号。下面是文献目录示例:1. 书籍:1) 作者是一个人。例如:①Carroll, J. B. “Process and content in psycholinguistics.”In CurrentTrends in the Description and Analysis of Behavior, R. GLaser, ed.Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania:University of Pittsburgh Press, 1958, pp. 175-200.② Capell, A. Studies in Socio-L inguistics. The Hague: Mouton, 1956.2) 作者是两个或三个以上。例如:①Blom, J. P. , and J. T. Gumperz.“Some social determinants ofverbalbehavior.” In Directions in Sociolinguistics, J. J. Gumperz and D.H
  8) 该作品的页码或有关内容的页码后用句号。
  1. 书籍:
  1) 作者是一个人。例如:
  ①Carroll, J. B. “Process and content in psycholinguistics.”In Current
  Trends in the Description and Analysis of Behavior, R. GLaser, ed.
  Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania:University of Pittsburgh Press, 1958, pp. 175-
  ② Capell, A. Studies in Socio-L inguistics. The Hague: Mouton, 1956.
  2) 作者是两个或三个以上。例如:
  ①Blom, J. P. , and J. T. Gumperz.“Some social determinants of
  verbalbehavior.” In Directions in Sociolinguistics, J. J. Gumperz and D.
  H. Hymes eds. N ew York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1972.
  ②A ustin, David etal. Reading Rights for Boys: Sex Role and Development in
  Language Experience. New York: Appleton-Century Crofts, 1971.
  注:“and others”也可以用来代替“etal”.
  3) 未标明作者。如:
  Lottery, The. London: J. W atts, 1732.
  4) 英语译名。例如:
  Flaubert, Gustave,M adame Bovary. Trans. Gerard Hopkins. New York: Dell
  Publishing Company, lne., 1959.
  2. 文章例如:
  ①Bursill-Hall, G. L. “Levels analysis: J. R. Firth’ s theories of
  linguistic analysis I.” The Journal of the Canadian Linguistic Association
  6, no. 2 (1960) : 124- 135.
  “Drama - Stories on the Stage, ”Compton’ s Pictured Encyclopedia. (1967) ,
  IV , 169- 192.
  3. 报纸例如:
  New York Times, September 7, 1972, Sec. 4, P. 3.
  附: 论文提纲和参考书目示例:
  Effect of in struction on second language acquisition
  Ⅰ. Introduction
  ——“Does instruction promote second language leaning?”
  Ⅱ. Developmental Sequence/accuracy order
  ——It investigatesw hether instruction enables learners to acquire a
  devlopmental feature,which
  may or may not interfere with the natural process of acquisition. www.dxs56.com
  ——Early morpheme studies support Chomsky’s “Universal principles” “Innate
  abiliry” and Krashen’s natural order.
  ——There are constraints on the effect that instruction has on the accuracy
  order of acquisition.
  Ⅲ. Acquisition Processes
  ——Comparative morpheme and syntax studies in obligatory contexts.
  ——Mixed results ( instruction is not influential- influential- mixed
  Ⅳ. Rate of acquisition
  ——Two arguments:
  ——Instruction has no effect on the acquisition of linguistic rules. Some
  studies claim that L 2
  acquisition involves certain natural oredr that can not be bypassed.
  ——Instruction can have an immediate or a delayed effect on acquiring L2
  rules if instruction confirms to conditions:
  • Instruction should not include any psychological complex operations.
  • Instruction should perform a single and clear function.
  Ⅴ. Instruction and learning strategies
  ——How to address learning strategies
  Ⅵ. Conclusion and recommendations
  Recommended references
  Doughty, C. (1991). Second language instruction does make a difference:
  Evidence from an empirical study of SL relativization. Studies in Second
  Language Acquisition. 13. (14) , 431- 469.
  Long, M. H. (1983). Does second language instruction make a difference? A
  review of the research. TESOL Quarterly. 17. 359- 82.
  Pienemann, M. (1984). Psychological constraints on the teachability of
  language. Studies in Second Language Acquisition. 6. 186- 214.
  O’Malley, M. J. , & Chamot (1990). Learning Strategies in Second Language
  Acquisition. Cambridge University Press.
  Krashen, S. , Jones, C., Zelinksi, C. and Usprich (1978). How important is
  instruction? ELT Journal, 32. 257-261.英语毕业论文 英语专业毕业论文 商务英语毕业论文 英语本科毕业论文 英语毕业论文范文

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