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[07-22 00:47:18]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  英语论文   阅读:8811
概要:By comparison, we see that there are something lost in the translation. What are they? We bet to say that they are some abstract minds and emotion such as philosophy, thought, aesthetics and so on, so artistic conception of poetry can not be translated.3. Untranslatability of Artistic Conception in CCPThe above example shows that artistic conception in CCP is untranslatable. And we know that the artistic conception is the essence of the original, so in this section, we will m
  By comparison, we see that there are something lost in the translation. What are they? We bet to say that they are some abstract minds and emotion such as philosophy, thought, aesthetics and so on, so artistic conception of poetry can not be translated.
  3. Untranslatability of Artistic Conception in CCP
  The above example shows that artistic conception in CCP is untranslatable. And we know that the artistic conception is the essence of the original, so in this section, we will mainly discuss the artistic conception in details.
  3.1 Most Important Element in CCP Translation
  Poetry may be seen in terms of various elements working together towards an integral whole. Each element represents only part of the overall design and it is this design that must remain in the main concern. To arbitrarily, isolate the diverse elements is somewhat going against the true spirit of poetry. Regarding Poetry translation as a semantic equivalence, media symbol with the same information, to convey another language is a narrow translation notion. Poetry translation standards are decided by the meaning which is implied and aesthetic value in the intent framework of the poetry, artistic conception of CCP becomes the spirit of Poetry translation. That is to say, Poetry translation relies greatly on the intrinsic quality of itself. In the rendering process, if the original elements of the poetry are changed, the internal beauty may be violated. So translation os artistic conception is a difficult and important issue.
  Burton Raffel, an American professor, argues that the aesthetic requirements should be an eternal pursuit in Poetry translation. The last chapter of his book, the Art of Translating Poetry, especially poetry translating, is the art of keeping balance between various requirements. Though many people think that the language requirements are of great significance on the part of the translator, Raffel argues that “the most significance and difficult requirement lies in the aesthetic requirement”. “The translated poem,” he says, “should first the aesthetic requirement, the flavor of life. Although there are a lot of requirements, the aesthetic requirement should be highlightened—this is an eternal pursuit ”. (1990:37) www.dxs56.com
  Artistic conception is a very general quality in poetry. Well-received poems are invariably “artistic conception” intense; poems, which may scan well are never thought too much of, if they are empty of artistic conception.
  From mentioned above, artistic conception in CCP should be regarded as the eternal pursuit and the most important element which should be translated.
  3.2 Artistic Conception
  Artistic conception as the difficult and important element of poetry, needs the careful analysis to help us deal with its untranslatability.
  3.2.1 Definition of Artistic Conception
  What is artistic conception? Zong Baihua says: “It regards the embodiment of astro-life as the objective and appreciates its essence, order and harmony. It is the deepest reflection of one’s self. By converting true scenery into virtual scenery and creating image to symbol, the most gracious hearts of human are embodied. This is so called ‘artistic conception’. It mainly depends on beauty.” (1981:89)
  Nowadays, people always think that “artistic conception is an artistic bourn of complex between the described objective view and expressional thought and sentiment. It has the aesthetic features of allusion combined with concrete, meaning harmonized with bourn and abstruseness which are able to make readers have imagination and association, facing the true or concrete environment and affected in their hearts.” (Thomas, 1999:2453)Simply speaking, artistic conception is a poetic space created by scenery and affection in the readers’ minds or a comprehensive aesthetic bourn created by combination of objective image and scene. Some artistic conception can only be sensed but can not be conveyed completely by another language.
  Having observed the physical appearance or layout of a poem, one gathers much impression from its artistic conception. Artistic conception, in poetry, is closely associated with the tone, the aesthetic feeling and the mood of a poem. Therefore, a great step to correctly translate a poem is to understand the tone of the poem, to sense the obviously or subtly conveyed feelings in the poem. www.dxs56.com
  Xu Yuanchong defied artistic conception that “it is the synthetic product of life, scenery, thought and feeling. It is also the unification of feeling, substance, meaning and bourn”. (20xx:41)The subjective feeling syncretizes objective substances. The bourn is in the meaning and the meaning is revealed in the bourn. “Artistic conception” is the unification of “meaning”, “feeling”, “philosophy” and “bourn”、“form” and “scenery”. It is also the unification of objective scenery and subjective sentiment.

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